don’t awaken love.

post warning: she’s sappy rn, enjoy. One of the weirdest, most beautiful books in the bible (in my opinion) is Song of Solomon, aka the love book. If you don’t know, Song of Solomon is a book of poetry written between a man and woman. The songs celebrate the joy and goodness of human love…

So there’s this boy,

sometimes I wonder. Sometimes I wonder if there’s a guy at there who looks at me like im an apple cinnamon thingy. Sometimes I wonder if there’s a guy who smiles and gets butterflies when my name pops up on his phone Sometimes I wonder if there’s a guy who looks at me and thinks…

not an influencer.

there are few things in this world that truly make my heart feel disgusting. Some things have been things I’ve carried or adapted since I was a child, other things just give me a bad taste over time. Over the last few weeks i’ve seen the term “Christian Influencer” being thrown out countless times, numerous…

the truth about where i am at.

honesty. vulnerability. hope. It has been quite a few months since my last blog post. I’ve been silently observing, silently hurting, silently processing. In short, the last few months, have been anything but pleasant. I am not sure how to even word, or communicate this, but i finally, certainly, want to try. In 2019 @instagramforbelievers…

I hope you fall in love.

This spring/summer, I unexpectedly fell in love. To my suprise, I fell in love with someone I never thought I could/would; But the reality is I did, I have. I went through a pretty nasty and public break up January 2019, so trust me when I say this was NOT apart of the plan. But…

there’s healing friend.

I’m a 50/50 type person. Things can be bad, but they could also be good. I like to think i have a well balanced way of life. There was a time in my life that I thought, “Im never going to get over this.” Honestly, Im the type of person to just cry over everything,…

lose you to love me.

In case you missed it, Selena Gomez just dropped one of the best songs i think she has ever written. If I waited four years for this beautiful song, i’d wait four more years. It’s great. Authentic, raw, inspiring and about a million other things. I listened at exactly 9PM when it dropped and fought…

pinky promised.

i’ve wanted to call, i’ve wanted to text, i’ve wanted to write. I can’t necessarily do those things, so here, i write. these last few months have been some of the most vital of my young adult life. Im learning and growing, hoping to grow into the woman that God wants to be. This comes…

forgiveness, for you

a friendtor (friend/mentor, get it HA) of mine always tells me, forgiveness will never be for the other person, it’s for you. and for so long, i’ve let this statement, just be one of those christian cliche statements that people tell us.  now for YEARS, i have heard so many messages, sermons, and quotes on…

daddy issues + depression.

welcome to my ted talk ( just kidding but seriously) edited: PSA this blogpost is in NO WAY bashing my dad/blaming him for anything 🙂 this is just me growing up and realizing some things. the other day, I went to a bible study; invited by a friend of mine because the topic was dealing…