lose you to love me.

In case you missed it, Selena Gomez just dropped one of the best songs i think she has ever written. If I waited four years for this beautiful song, i’d wait four more years. It’s great. Authentic, raw, inspiring and about a million other things. I listened at exactly 9PM when it dropped and fought…

pinky promised.

i’ve wanted to call, i’ve wanted to text, i’ve wanted to write. I can’t necessarily do those things, so here, i write. these last few months have been some of the most vital of my young adult life. Im learning and growing, hoping to grow into the woman that God wants to be. This comes…

forgiveness, for you

a friendtor (friend/mentor, get it HA) of mine always tells me, forgiveness will never be for the other person, it’s for you. and for so long, i’ve let this statement, just be one of those christian cliche statements that people tell us.  now for YEARS, i have heard so many messages, sermons, and quotes on…

daddy issues + depression.

welcome to my ted talk ( just kidding but seriously) edited: PSA this blogpost is in NO WAY bashing my dad/blaming him for anything 🙂 this is just me growing up and realizing some things. the other day, I went to a bible study; invited by a friend of mine because the topic was dealing…

When hurting hurts.

(bloggers note: i started writing this two months ago, however i was still dealing with some heavy hurts, which is why this is being posted nearly two months after the original posting date that i shared on instagram!) hurt. no matter how many times we try to avoid it, we have to come to terms,…

to the girl thats been cheated on,

Hey you, with all of the news (partly) swirling around the Kardashian-Woods drama, you’ve been on my heart. I remember what it was like, finding out someone you love(d) had broken your trust. I remember that moment it felt like your heart shattering because you suddenly couldn’t tell what was ever real, and what was…

what love isn’t.

Typical post for valentines right? Over the last two years, my heart has been in a weird place, between sadness, brokenness, hurt, excitement… it’s weird right? Well in everything we go through we grow through. We learn new things and experience them as well. I thought i knew what it was like to be in…

a friend like Tia

Some friendships do not last, but some friends are more loyal than brothers.- Proverbs 18:24 (GNT) These last few weeks have been anything but pleasant for me. Between health, anxiety attacks, and being both spiritually and emotionally drained, I don’t even know how to handle myself. Throughout it all though, ive found myself so beyond…

january ninth.

today i just wanted to encourage someone, (just a lil bitttt) to love a little harder, forgive , let go of what you cant change. and move forward. Over the last few weeks, ive been taught, and learning that every person that comes into our lives, every relationship (no matter what it be, family, friends,…

you deserve more.

hey, you questioning everything going on in life. Today I woke up with it STRONG on my heart to tell you you deserve more. I don’t know what the situation may be, and I’n not going to pretend to know, but what i DO know, is you. deserve. more. You deserve more than the empty…